Defending Dental Professionals Against Dental Malpractice Charges
When dental professionals are faced with litigation, they need attorneys with experience representing surgeons and dentists. At Gibson Watson Marino LLC, we understand that malpractice lawsuits affect not just your bottom line, but also your reputation and the future of your practice. Our attorneys know what’s at stake and we fight aggressively to protect your rights. We create thorough strategies and use our negotiation skills and extensive experience in the courtroom to bring the matter to a timely and cost-effective resolution.
Our attorneys have a long history of defending dental professionals, dental clinics and oral surgery facilities in malpractice claims.
Building A Strong Defense Strategy
Every case begins with an investigation into the incident when the alleged malpractice took place. We look closely to see if the case against you meets the burden of proof for proving negligence. A broad overview of our process looks like this:
- Evaluate the severity and circumstances surrounding the injury
- Determine if the standard of care was violated
- Find weaknesses in the case against you
We are always conscious of being efficient and cost-effective for our clients. To avoid the cost and delay of going to court, our first choice is to settle out of court through negotiation, mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution. If the other side is not amenable to this approach, we have a strong track record of successfully representing dental malpractice clients in court. We have the experience and knowledge to get you the best possible resolution to your case.
Contact The Dental Malpractice Defense Lawyers At Gibson Watson Marino LLC
If you are facing a dental malpractice lawsuit, the attorneys at Gibson Watson Marino LLC can help. Call 316-264-7321 or fill out our online contact form to set up a consultation.